Dumbed English
The following is a vast departure from my otherwise technically oriented posts, but the topic has been on my mind lately, and this is my blog after all. :) Let me preface this by saying I am a native English speaker in America, so my writing is necessarily from that point of view (write what you know, after all). The inexplicable nature of the human heart combined with the ideas of the mind are at odds with the frailties of expression found in any written language. This is my premise, and good luck proving or disproving it. There is no perfect way to always express precisely what is desired to be expressed, for any and every writer, no matter the medium chosen. Writers may be inspired more often than not to approximate a perfect linguistical expression of their ideas, but that is not something born solely of the language; instead, those near perfect moments are born of the writer’s ability to communicate within the confines his chosen language. The quality of a writte...